BBN3402Satu2019: Minggu 14 (Terjemahan Blog Post 19 Disember 2019)

NO MARTIK:196352

Cucu Aku

Budak tecit tu nak borak masa subuh hari. Mesti dia nak suruh mak bapak dia bangun sembahyang subuhkan. Itu kata Nur Maisarah, anak aku. Dia kata lagi, Sofea bangun awal pagi dan tak mahu tidur dah lepas tu. So dia nak borak dan nak main. Ala, cian budak tecit tomei domot tu! Stop with the baby talk, DrNotts!

Dah tak sabar nak tengok Sofea. Terus rindu dia. Tengok gambar dia dengan tangan warna biru sebab bekas jarum masuk air, buatkan aku rasa nak sepak mak bapak dia. Memang tak ada kaitan tapi biarlah aku nak emo. Tapi by the time aku balik, mesti Sofea tomei macam gwenma dia kan! Not? Cis.

Lana cakap, dia rindu gwenma. Mummy dia pun rindu gwenma. Papa dia pun rindu gwenma. Terus menitis air mata gwenma.

Aku tak lupa cucu aku yang tomei domot bam bam cikabam tu. Lana tulah. Budak yang nak kena picit dek gwenma dia ni. Nanti kau Lana, kan ku picit pipi tu dan gigit sekali. Ge'am ni.
Cepatlah masa berlalu. Kalaulah boleh fast forward, dah sure aku berada di Alamanda sambil shopping ni! Hahahhah. ok tak kelakar!

My son

The little boy wants to play at dawn. She must call her dad to get up and pray. That is my son, said Nur Maisarah.  Sofea get up early and didn't want to go to bed after that. So he wants to play. Aw, boy! Stop it with the baby talk, DrNotts!

I can't wait to see Sofea. Keep missing her. Seeing her photo that is in blue hand because of the former needle, makes me want to kick her dad. It doesn't matter but let me emotional. When I'm back, Sofea must cute like her grandma right! Not? Cis.

Lana said, she misses her grandma. Mother also misses grandma. Father also misses the grandma. Make grandma's tears dripping.

I didn't forget my little cute son. It is Lana. The kid that will be pinch by her grandma.  I'll pinch her cheeks and bite her.

Hurry up. If can fast forward, I'm sure I'll be in Alamanda while shopping! Hahahhah. ok it's not funny!

Craving Like There Is No Tomorrow

I am so craving for pizza. Pizza hut. Tapi pizza hut yang paling dekat dari Yongin ni ialah di Suwon which is 50km.

Ni semua gara-gara si Suzy (dari girlband Miss A) dalam iklan kat tv di Korea ni. Dia makan pizza sampai cheese meleleh-leleh. Memang macam sedap sampai air liur aku pun terjejeh kejap. Cis. Itulah saper suruh duduk kat kampung. McD breakfast yang selalu buat kat Malaya tu pun tak ada kat sini tau.

So apa keputusan nak makan pizza?

Kau makan Suzy tu jelah DrNotts!

Craving Like There Is No Tomorrow

I am so craving for pizza. Pizza hut. But the closest pizza hut from Yongin is at Suwon which is 50km.

This is all because of Suzy (from Miss A girlband) in TV commercial at Korea. He eats pizza until cheese melts. It was looked tasty until my saliva keep coming out. Cis. That's why who tell you to sit in the village. McD breakfast always held in Malaya, is not here.

So, what's the decision to eat pizza?

DrNotts, You just eat Suzy!

Petir di Korea

Di rumah aku ni cuma ada dua channel omputih di tv. I mean channel yang ada cerita. So semalam, entah datang mana petir, terus tak ada dah channel tu. Ni dah sure dua tiga hari baru ok. 

Petir? Manalah ada petir kat sini. Suddenly rindu kat petir Malaya. Baru trajis bila kena petirkan. So kat sini, bila cuaca macam nak shift sikit je terus tak ada channel. Macam astro di Malaysia. Baru nak petir je dah tak ada gambar. Itu baru nak petir tu. Kalau dah petir, sure terbakar tv tu. Erk, no offense to Astro.

Now, tengah tengok Arirang je. Entah apalah rancangan kat arirang ni yang boleh buatkan aku menguap sejuta kali. Aku dahlah memang hantu TV. Bila tak ada tv, macam kurang selera nak makan. Eleh, tipu besar tu. Tak ada tv pun boleh bam bam cikebam cikebam (ni along punya phrase untuk sofea dan lana).

Dah. Nak ukur petiais kat rumah ni.

Lightning At Korea

At home, my Tv only have two channels. I mean the channel that have stories. So last night, no matter where the lightning came from, there was no such channel. It is sure will be okay in two three days later. 

Lightning? Is doesn't have lightning here. Suddenly I miss the lightning at Malaya. It will be trajic if has lightning. So here, while the weather a little bit shift, there will be no channel. Like astro in Malaysia. TV already cannot be watched if start has lightning. It's just a lightning bolt. If lightning, sure it burns the TV.Ij just started. If lightning. Erk, no offense to Astro.

Now, look at Arirang. I don't know what the plan is that will make me feel sleepy a million times over. I'm a TV ghost. When you don't have a TV, you have less appetite. Hey, that's a big lie. No tv can bam bam cikebam cikebam (this one is Along's phrase for Sofea and Lana).

Bye. I want to measure the refrigerator at house.

Mata Duitan Kah?

Isnin ritu aku keluar makan. Saja nak cari pasalkan. Apalagi, oleh kerana pedas yang amat, aku minum air sampai tak hengat dunia. Kembung, John! Tapi memang best dapat keluar walaupun takat kampung kecik ni je.

Lupa, aku ke bank juga, bayar duit journal. US180. Cis. Sekarang ni duit journal bukan main mahal.Tapi tak apa. Dari tak ada publication, lebih baik tak ada duit. Eh, tipu. Aku lebih rela ada banyak duit dari publication. Hahaha, kata mata duitankan!!

Eyes' money, right?...
Last Monday, I went out to eat. Just wanna find out something. Moreover, because of the spicy taste, I drank water until the world wasn't warm. Inflatable, John! But it is best to get out even in this small village.
Forget it, I went to the bank too, pay the journal money. US180. Cis. Nowadays journal money is expensivel. From don't have publication, it's better don't haveno money. Eh, it is lie. I'd rather have more money than the publication. Hahaha, eyes' money right!!!

Cuti Piliharaya Korea

Hari ni satu Korea cuti. Ini memang kes betul sebab dalam tv asyiklah cerita pasal dua orang candidate yang bertanding untuk jawatan presiden. Amazingly, satu lelaki dan satu perempuan.

Kalau perempuan tu menang, memang jadi sejarah Korea. Sejibik macam drama Korea Daemul. Daemul ya, daemul! Eh, itu dalam drama Sungkyungkwan Scandal. Anyways, aku memang cuti pun. So tak ada beza. Kini, aku melalui proses menggemukkan diri di kala cuti dan tak cuti.

Korea Politic Holliday

Today is one of Korean holiday. This is certainly true because on TV always talk about the two candidates are fighting for being a president. Amazingly, one man and one girl.

If that girl wins, it's will lead Korean history. As same as Daemul Korean drama. Daemul, Daemul! Uh, it was in the Sungkyungkwan Scandal drama. Anyways, I'm was taking holiday. So is no different. Nowadays, I go through the process of getting fat during holiday.
